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ISPC speaks at WPC 2022: Conclusion

07 September 2022 Association
Viewed 2399 times

We finished our talk at WPC by emphasizing that because we want to see our profession grow and develop for many years to come, it’s vital to have a strong, united, voice.

Because, as we said at the start, “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much”. We shared how we’re prioritizing three goals where we believe the ISPC can make an impact in bringing perfumery profession into the modern era. 
But we cannot do this alone. We need all perfumers to join us, to add their views and experience for a unified voice.  And we want everyone who works with perfumers to collaborate with us too, including regulators, industry influencers, marketers, and commercial people. 

We want the ISPC to be a place where perfumers can come together to share experiences, express opinions on issues that matter, establish new connections with peers or mentors globally, and help our profession to respond to challenges we face. 
We want the ISPC is recognized for setting international standards for education, training, and behaviors and be seen as a community that represents all perfumers, whether fine-fragrance or home-care perfumers and an organisation that promotes the value and heritage of perfumers.

This will not only benefit perfumers individually, but also the profession – and the industry - collectively. 

It’s a win-win for everyone.

Francis Kurkdjian & Calice Becker 
President & Co-President

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